Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Pregnancy Photo Diary

Was browsing through all these photos the night before I admitted into hospital for delivery. Just can't believe that I've gone through 40weeks of pregnancy. The every single change from the day I knew I was pregnant to the day I gave birth was a new experience which was simply amazing (except the terrible weight gain and stretch mark).

5th week- The results of pregnancy test kit and then followed by ultrasound scanning done by my obstetrician. Doctor said:"CONFIRMED PREGNANT!!!" Saw the yolk sac which was a small tiny dot on the ultrasound monitor.

20th week- From the ultrasound, we could see the shape of fetus clearly, showing his head, back bone, hands and legs. Still vomited every morning. Felt my very first fetal movement on 16 April. It was the most incredible and amazing feeling!

28th week- My bump was real big and started to have stretch marks on my hips and thighs.

Had terrible pubic bone pain which doctor said was rare to happen on mum who just had their first baby. Perhaps I walked for too long time when I went KL for shopping. Couldn't even walk properly and change my sleeping position. I thought I was going to experience it for the remaining pregnancy period but I was okay after 2 and 3 weeks.

Fell down in washroom at client's office. I faced down when I fell and thus, my bump touched the floor and I felt like my bump was like a soft cushion protecting me and caused no pain at all except my knee was slight injured. So panic and scared. Hubby rushed from Seremban to Bangi and sent me to hospital for checking. Thanks God, everything was alright.

34th week- I was getting super emo. Despite mood swings, I was easily irritated by small things and cried badly. I couldn't accept the horrible weight gain and water retention problem that made me look like a round ball as well as the fear on labour.

37th week- Felt the need to urinate more frequently due to the weight that baby put on.

39th week- Stopped working and started to plan for my confinement. Enjoyed the CNY with baby inside my stomach although I looked like a ball.

40th week- After vaginal examination, doctor told me that my cervix had dilated 2cm and I might deliver anytime. But at the end, there was no sign of labour and thus, doctor decided to do induced labour.

Finally I've accomplished my mission on 9 February 2012!!!

Proud of myself! Just can't believe that I can make it WITHOUT epidural! All the pain is worthwhile because he's the greatest gift to us.

I only have this photo at the moment. Love touching his little fingers.

This is a post written before I delivered. Now I gotta spend more time to REST!

Will update soon! Stay tuned!


  1. Thanks for sharing. From your text and photos i can imagine To be a mummy is really an amazing process.
    Congratulation for the new baby! :)

  2. Congratulation. ^^

  3. congratzzz.....such an amazing journey :)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! OMG the baby must have been so huge! so glad everything went so well! so glad so glad! From yr wedding day to now, what a journey... im so proud to be your friend!

    Would love to meet the baby one day :') Congrats again!

    ps- you look beautiful, even in pregnancy... :)

  5. congratulations on a little boy~

  6. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Congratulations! :) You will be a great mom. My sister-in-law is going to deliver anytime too. I can't wait for my nephew to arrive in this world. :D

  7. So touching, so proud of you T_____T Congratulations again.

  8. Congratulations!!! :)

  9. Congrats dear! Rest well! ^^

  10. 恭喜你哦,小宝宝终于出世了~~

  11. Congratulations dear!! Wow, without epidural?? You're one super mum!

    Hope you share more labor stories with us ;)

  12. congratulation!!! very touching

  13. congratulations carrie! you look gorgeous as always. can't wait to see more pictures of your baby.

  14. 恭喜你!
    you are a great mum !!! (^_^)

  15. Carrie,恭喜你!!!!!!!!!!期待宝宝的照片!!!你是很棒的妈咪!
    *你就真的是肚子大而已,手臂还是那么的瘦而整个人都还那么的美, 赞!^^

  16. congratulations!!!
    You are so pretty ! :)
    Happy Valentine's day!!

  17. A happy family is never complete with a bundle of joy wailing away at his cot.
    Congratulations new Mum and Dad! ❤

  18. Thank you for helping people get the information they need. Great stuff as usual. Keep up the great work!!! Gift subscription for expectant parents


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